Fruit Tree Gleaning

How does it work?

Info And How To Get Involved

A volunteer powered program that works to reduce waste, provide more fresh food to those in need, and build community. 

This program was the OG program of Kitsap Harvest and is a response to the dramatic increase in the number of people seeking food assistance in our county. 

Our Glean Teams harvest from both farms and backyard fruit trees, then share the bounty with local senior housing, youth programs, shelters, food banks, and families in need. Volunteers also take a portion home as a thank you for all their hard work!

Pounds of Fruit Gleaned by Kitsap Harvest Since 2018
Pounds of Fruit Gleaned So Far This Year

Each year is different, depending on pollination and weather. 2022 was a bad year for fruit production, but we still ended up gleaning 1,000 lbs of fruit! 

How much can we glean this year? Will you join us to meet our goal of 20,000 lbs? Register your tree so we can glean your fruit, or join our gleaning volunteers as we pick trees all over Kitsap!

Find Out More

For previously gleaned sites:
If you have already registered your trees, then please do not fill one out again. We already have your info in our database! If your would like to notify us that you would like your fruit trees gleaned again this year, please request a harvest by filling out our form: Request a Harvest Form

For new sites:
Please fill out our form in order to register your tree(s): Register Your Tree Form. Below you will find information about our gleaning process and what you can expect as a homeowner.

6 Steps to a Successful Fruit Glean

Step 1: Homeowners fill out our form in order to register their tree. Sites that have been gleaned in the past will be contacted about a month before the previous glean date in order to check if the homeowner would like the fruit gleaned again, and if so, how the fruit is developing and to get an estimate on when it may be ripe.

At any time a homeowner may fill out the Request A Harvest Form in order to help us be the most successful by letting us know in advance when their fruit will be ripe, instead of contacting us when the fruit is falling from the tree. This helps us in planning and prevents fruit from being lost if it matures much earlier or later than previous years. The more time we have to plan, the more fruit we can pick!

Step 2: After either form is submitted, a volunteer will be assigned to the site. They will reach out via the homeowner’s preferred method of contact in a timely manner.

Step 3: For new sites, a site check will be necessary in order for the volunteer to assess the fruit and the surrounding area in order to prepare for the glean. If the homeowner has indicated on the form that no supervision is needed for a site check, volunteers may perform an impromptu site check when they are already in the area. Volunteers are trained and will always let the homeowner know when the site check will occur.

If the homeowner has indicated that supervision is needed for a site check, then the volunteer will arrange a time with them to meet at the site.

For previously gleaned sites, a site check may or may not be necessary.

Step 4: After the site check, a volunteer will contact the homeowner about setting up a harvest date. Depending on the particular situation such as location, condition of fruit, amount to be harvested, and other factors, we will determine if we can fit the glean in on our calendar.

Please note that for larger gleans (over 200 lbs of fruit), we typically need one to two weeks planning time. If it is a small glean then we may be able to work more nimbly and plan it within a week.

Step 5: There are four fruit gleaning scenarios that are chosen depending on the homeowner’s preference and the quantity of fruit on the trees. Due to limited resources, we encourage all homeowners to consider personally hosting volunteers or self-harvesting if possible.

Group Glean– With a date and time confirmed with the homeowner, we set up a coordinated glean at the site with a group of volunteers (5-20). A lead volunteer will host the volunteers, ensuring that they follow the orders of operation, have a good experience, and follow food safety guidelines. They will also ensure that the fruit makes it back to the warehouse and everything is documented along the way.

Nimble Glean– If the harvest is under 200lbs, we will reach out to an Experienced Gleaner (1-2 people) to arrange a time with the homeowner to come by and do the harvest.

Homeowner Hosts– We ask the homeowner to host the glean themselves, working with volunteers coordinated by Kitsap Harvest. We can provide all the equipment, such as picking sticks, crates, and hand sanitizer. The fruit can either be dropped off by the homeowner at our warehouse in Bremerton, or dropped off by a volunteer.

Self Harvest– We ask the homeowner to self harvest, picking the fruit themselves or with the help of friends. We can provide all the equipment, such as picking sticks, crates, and hand sanitizer. The fruit can either be dropped off by the homeowner at our warehouse in Bremerton, or dropped off by a volunteer.

Step 6: The fruit is picked and delivered to the warehouse, where it will be sorted into three tiers: fruit that is table-ready, fruit that is good for processing only, and fruit that is good for non-human animal consumption only. Either way, the fruit is going to good use to feed those in our community or our community’s livestock!

You are interested in gleaning, but now what? Folks who volunteer to glean with Kitsap Harvest get exercise, fresh air, lots of fruit to take home, and to meet a like-minded community of people who love fruit and love serving others!

Find out all the information you need by accessing the Fruit Tree Gleaning Handbook. Here you will find everything you need to know about various volunteer roles, how to get involved, what training might be required, frequently asked questions and more! 

Remember you need to register as a volunteer and then head over to the Point App to view upcoming gleaning events and sign up.

Please email with any questions.

Volunteer Roles

Site Checker

Scout out potential sites for gleans to determine if they are suitable for Kitsap Harvest to send volunteers to. Fill out an online form with information about the site.

General Gleaner

The easiest volunteer position you can imagine: you just show up and pick fruit! Can volunteer for both the Cluster Gleans and the Nimble Gleans.

Glean Planner

Organize both cluster and nimble gleans. Call homeowners, consult the map, and plan accordingly. Advertise over email and social media. Work with the glean leads and experienced gleaners.

Glean Lead

Hosts the “Cluster Gleans”, ensuring the volunteers are taken care of and that they know the in’s and out’s of gleaning. It's easy!

Experienced Gleaner

Carry out the “Nimble Gleans”. Contacts the homeowner, recruits their fellow volunteers, and is responsible for getting the picked fruit back to an aggregation spot (warehouse or other drop off location).

Equipment Wrangler

In teams of two, load the necessary equipment onto the truck and drive the truck to the cluster gleans. After the gleans wrap up, drive the truck back to the warehouse and drop off the fruit inside.

Frequently Asked Questions

Not yet. You have completed the first step of giving us your contact information and indicating that you agree with the Terms of Participation. Now you need to visit the Point App and create an account before you can register for our events. The Kitsap Harvest Point page can be found here. Here you will find all of the volunteer events, including gleans, that are currently scheduled. Sign up for the harvests that you would like to attend. If there are no harvests listed, then we do not have any planned. Check back frequently for new postings.

In order to be a general gleaner we do not require any training beforehand. All the information you need to know will be given to you at the glean. 

However, if you would like to be able to use a ladder on a glean, we do require volunteers to complete our Ladder Safety Training.

To be a Glean Lead, Glean Planner, Experienced Gleaner, or Equipment Wrangler, we do require extra training. Email for more information.

After you sign up for a harvest on the Point App, your name is added to the harvest roster. If you do not see an address yet on the event’s page, then keep an eye on your email as you will be sent the starting address a few days before the glean. 

Yes! We love gleaning with all ages! We do ask that all children are supervised closely by their parent or guardian at all times during the glean.

All Kitsap Harvest volunteers may sign up for any harvests that are posted. Just please be sure that you will be able to attend if it is a considerable distance away.

Sometimes. Our harvests take place at a wide variety of properties, from 20-acre orchards to urban backyards. We ask the property owner whether or not their crop has been sprayed with non-organic chemicals, and we include that information on the harvest posting.

The email that you receive after signing up for the harvest has a link in it to use if you need to cancel. Canceling gives someone else a chance to attend the harvest. This also applies to the waiting list – cancel that spot if you find out that you would not be able to participate if you were promoted to the roster.

Yes! Just be sure that they have completed the Volunteer Registration Form and have signed up for the harvest along with you. We need to keep track of how many people are coming to each harvest, so we don’t have too many or too few volunteers.

Many registered volunteers are checking the Point App. This is the only place that we announce harvests that are available for signing up unless there is reason to think that we will not get enough volunteers in time. Those who do this are usually able to get on the roster. Some find it helpful to download the Point App on their phones and set their notifications on so they know about any new opportunity once it is posted.

Kitsap Harvest relies on donations from growers. After a crop is donated, our coordinators factor Kitsap Harvest’s ability to staff harvests, parking, and the requests of the landowner to determine how and when harvests will be hosted.

It depends on the gleaning event; cluster gleans on Saturdays will be about 3 hours, but nimble gleans may be as short as 20 minutes. Be sure to communicate with your gleaning leader or program coordinator on how long they expect a specific gleaning event should take.

We ask that volunteers do not bring their furry companions along to gleans. We are often gleaning in residential backyards and need to respect the property of the homeowner. We also can’t have dogs on site due to health safety reasons. 

One of our goals is to reduce food waste so any fruit or produce that’s not categorized as “table ready” is turned into compost for gardeners and farmers or used as food for livestock animals.

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Support Kitsap Harvest and help provide fresh food for those in need

Waiver of Liability for Volunteers




In consideration of being given the opportunity to participate voluntarily in harvest events organized by Kitsap Harvest, I, on behalf of myself, my legal and personal representatives, heirs, next of kin, spouse, agents, and assigns, hereby:

  1. Fully understand and acknowledge that:

a. The harvest events in which I voluntarily choose to participate will involve entering onto privately owned or publicly owned real property (the “Premises”) to harvest fruit and/or vegetables (the “Activity”). The Activity may involve the use of certain equipment, including, without limitation, ladders and heavy/sharp harvesting tools.

b. There are risks and dangers associated with entering onto the Premises and using equipment to harvest the fruit and/or vegetables.  These risks and dangers include, without limitation, injury from falling branches or fruit, dog bites, allergic reaction to an insect bite, falling or tripping on uneven surfaces or debris, falling from heights, contracting food-borne illnesses arising from eating the fruit and/or vegetables being harvested, losing or injuring a limb.

c. The use of equipment including, without limitation, ladders and harvesting implements, is dangerous and could cause serious injury and in some cases death.

d. The risks described in this section 1 (the “Risks”) may be caused by my own actions or inactions, the actions or inactions of others participating in the Activity, the condition of the Premises where the Activity takes place, the conditions in which the Activity takes place, the condition of the equipment that I am using, or the negligence of the Released Parties named below.

2. Voluntarily assume and accept all the Risks and all responsibility for any losses, liability, costs, damages, claims, demands, or costs that I may incur as a result of or related to my participation in the Activity.

3. Voluntarily release, discharge, and covenant not to sue i) Kitsap Harvest or any of their employees, independent contractors, agents, owners, officers, directors, shareholders, and subsidiaries; and ii) the owner/operator of the Premises or any of its employees, independent contractors, agents, owners, officers, directors, shareholders, and subsidiaries (hereinafter the “Released Parties“) for any losses, liabilities, damages, claims, demands, expenses, or costs that I may incur and which arise out of or are related to my participation in the Activity, the condition of the Premises, or any act, omission, or negligence of the Released Parties.  I further agree that if, despite this Agreement, I or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim against any of the Released Parties, I will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the Released Parties from losses, liability, damages, claims, demands, expenses, or costs that any of the Released Parties may incur as a result of any such claim.

4. Voluntarily agree to indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the Released Parties from losses, liability, damages, claims, demands, expenses, or costs that any of the Released Parties may incur as a result of my participation in the Activity.

5. Voluntarily agree to abide by any rules established or instructions given with respect to my participation in the Activity. I further agree that while participating in the Activity I will refrain from conducting the Activity in an unlawful manner.

6. Voluntarily agree to:

a. Enter only those areas designated for use by volunteers;

b. Use care to avoid damaging the Premises;

c. Refrain from climbing trees or fences to retrieve produce;

d. Refrain from sharing the name, address, or other private information of the owner of the Premises;

e. Pick only fruit that appears mature and ready to be picked, leaving less mature fruit on the tree;

f. Use great care and caution when using a ladder;

g. Ensure that any minor(s) (individuals who are under the age of 18 years) for whom I am responsible will be supervised at all times by me; and

h. Ensure that any minor for whom I am responsible will not be permitted to climb on a ladder unless the minor is at least 14 years of age and is directly supervised at all times by me.

7. Voluntarily consent to the taking and use of my picture / image. Kitsap Harvest may use my voice and likeness, or those of any minors for whom I am responsible, in any manner or form, for any lawful purpose, at any time.  I waive any right that I may have to inspect or approve the finished product.

8. Voluntarily agree that this Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Washington State, and is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by Washington law.  In the event any portion of this Agreement is determined to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the balance of the Agreement shall not be affected or impaired in any way and shall continue in full force and effect.

9. Voluntarily agree that any dispute or claim that arises out of or that relates to i) my participation in the Activity; or ii) this Agreement, or to the interpretation or breach thereof, or to the existence, scope, or validity of this Agreement, shall first be submitted Kitsap Harvest. The mediator fees to be equally shared by all parties to the dispute. If not resolved through mediation, the dispute shall be submitted to binding arbitration before an arbitrator, to be selected by Kitsap Harvest. The arbitrator fees to be equally shared by all parties to the dispute. Any award rendered pursuant to such arbitration is binding and may be entered as a judgement in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

10. Voluntarily agree that this Agreement will remain in effect for all Kitsap Harvest activities in which I participate until either revoked by a writing executed by Kitsap Harvest and me or replaced by a new Agreement executed by Kitsap Harvest and me.

11. Voluntarily agree that Kitsap Harvest may, at any time, with or without cause, revoke my right to volunteer for or participate in Kitsap Harvest events and activities.

PARENT / GUARDIAN WAIVER – Any person entering into this Agreement and who is responsible for the supervision of any minors participating in the Activity must read and agree to the following:

I, acting as parent, natural guardian, or a person authorized by the parent or natural guardian, have read the foregoing Agreement, understand and consent to its terms on behalf of myself and on behalf of the minors for whom I am responsible, and agree to indemnify and save and hold harmless the Released Parties from any loss, liability, damage, or cost that they may incur because of any defect in or lack of capacity to act on behalf of the minors in executing this Agreement.


Terms of Participation

By registering as a volunteer with Kitsap Harvest and attending events that we sponsor, you are agreeing to the following terms of participation:

  • The mission of Kitsap Harvest is to recover fresh food in order to reduce waste, improve health, and provide reliable access to nutritious food for our neighbors in need. I will conduct myself in a manner consistent with that mission while attending Kitsap Harvest sponsored events.
  • I will cancel my roster spot if, after signing up for a harvest, I find that I am unable to attend.
  • I will be punctual in arriving at harvests. Instructions are given by the harvest leader when the glean is scheduled to start.
  • I will not smoke at harvests.
  • I will not bring alcohol to harvests.
  • I will not bring glass containers to harvests.
  • I understand that harvests are conducted on private property that the owner has granted Kitsap Harvest permission to enter and harvest. I will conduct myself in a manner that is respectful of the owner’s property at all times.
  • I will be respectful of other participants at harvests.
  • I will listen to, and follow the rules of, the orientation about the glean given by the harvest leader.
  • I will follow all directions given to me by the harvest leader or designated assistants.